Home » Pilot-cosmonaut Roman Romanenko, together with the residents of Yasenevo, cleaned the shore of the Marble Pond from debris

Pilot-cosmonaut Roman Romanenko, together with the residents of Yasenevo, cleaned the shore of the Marble Pond from debris

by alex

In the south-west of Moscow on World Environment Day, a volunteer action “Environmental Kaleidoscope” was held. Pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of Russia Roman Romanenko joined the activists who organized the celebration in the park of the 30th anniversary of the Yasenevo district. The State Duma deputy spoke to local residents and talked about how beautiful the Earth looks from space.

– From the altitude of the ISS flight, you best understand how much we, people, are responsible for our environment, for our Earth, – noted Romanenko. – For her to always remain so beautiful and clean.

The Hero of Russia stressed that environmental protection should remain one of the priorities in government policy. But concrete deeds and respect for nature begin with each of us. Roman Romanenko presented letters of thanks to the activists of the Ecollife environmental charity project. This movement has become a regional analogue of the federal action “Kind Caps” and brought together over three thousand residents of Yasenevo. Ecollife project participants collect plastic bottle caps and send them for recycling. The funds raised from the disposal are used by volunteers to provide targeted assistance. During the holiday in Yasenevo, the project activists presented the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Efim Drozdovsky, a new wheelchair.

After the holiday, volunteer environmentalists organized a volunteer clean-up on the banks of the Novoyasenevskoye (or, as the locals call it, Mramorny) pond. Together with the residents of the Yasenevo district, Roman Romanenko cleaned up the litter in the coastal zone and in the park next to the pond. Participants of the cleanup collected over ten bags of waste.

– Today we did a great job! Only the personal participation of everyone will help to make our common home cleaner, to attract as many people as possible to the environmental movement and responsible attitude in nature, – said the Hero of Russia. – And we must bear this responsibility not only on holidays, but every day.

Earlier, Roman Romanenko said what would happen to the Russian segment of the ISS after 2030. According to him, Russia is considering the possibility of using its segment of the ISS in an autonomous mode in orbit. The pilot stressed that our country is developing other space projects as well. For example, aircraft will be launched into orbit using biofuels, which will reduce the impact on the environment.

Roman Romanenko – pilot-cosmonaut, colonel of the Air Force of the Russian Federation, spent 333 days in space, having made two flights into orbit, as well as one spacewalk. After completing his career as a pilot, in 2015 he was elected to the State Duma.

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