Home » “Phenomenon” of Chernobaevka: Arestovich explained why the enemy returns to the airfield, despite the attacks

“Phenomenon” of Chernobaevka: Arestovich explained why the enemy returns to the airfield, despite the attacks

by alex

Russian troops constantly return to the airfield in Chernobaevka (Kherson region), despite the fact that they are there repeatedly attacked the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The day before, March 21, the Armed Forces of Ukraine defeated the enemy there for the seventh time.

The reasons for this “Chernobaev phenomenon” Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, explained on the air of a telethon on Ukrainian channels.

According to him, the enemy has accumulated a large group of troops in the direction from the temporarily occupied Crimea. At the same time, there are few opportunities to transfer these forces to the unoccupied territory of Ukraine.

– They have accumulated a huge grouping from the Crimea in this direction. And to throw it to the right bank, where Nikolaev, Odessa, is possible only through two bridges: the first is the Antonovsky bridge near Kherson, and the second is Novaya Kakhovka. That is, this “bottleneck”: there are a huge number of them, and they can only move by capillary action. And no matter how we hide in the open steppe, we still find them, — Arestovich noted.

He added that the enemy is also trying to accumulate a helicopter group, with the help of which he wants to transfer cargo for the Russian troops, to strike at the Ukrainian troops. And for this, the invaders need an airfield in Chernobaevka.

– A helicopter can only land where you want in the cinema and fly where you want. In fact, he needs both topographic reference and airfield support. Therefore, they are forced to choose an airfield. They try to move around this airfield so as not to stand in one place, but they cannot help but use it. Such a knot has developed there,” Arestovich emphasized.

He assured that Ukrainian troops would continue to strike at enemy groups at the airfield.

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