Pfizer and BioNTech Apply for Pediatric COVID Vaccine Approval
The American company Pfizer, together with the German BioNTech, has filed an application with the US medical regulator FDA for approval of the emergency use of its coronavirus vaccine. This was reported to CNN by Jeff Zints, White House Coordinator for Countering COVID-19.
The drug is intended for vaccination of children aged 5 to 12 years.
According to Zints, the medical regulator CDC will also consider the application of pharmaceutical companies.
The speaker noted that the use of Pfizer children's vaccine can begin before Thanksgiving, which is celebrated at the end of November.
“The FDA is scheduled to review this with an advisory board at the end of the month, then the CDC will do it,” Zints said.
Formerly famous doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky explained how to protect a child from COVID-19 and its complications.
Also the director of the N.F. Gamalei Alexander Gintsburg spoke about the tests of the Sputnik V vaccine on adolescents.