Home » Peskov commented on the Bloomberg publication about the “beginning of the invasion” of Ukraine

Peskov commented on the Bloomberg publication about the “beginning of the invasion” of Ukraine

by alex

Peskov called the Bloomberg publication an illustration of global tensions

Photo: Evgenia Novozhenina / Reuters

The erroneous publication by Bloomberg about the alleged beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a demonstration of global tension and the consequences of such reports and statements by Western countries, said the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the materials of the American media. His words are transmitted by RIA Novosti.

“This is a great demonstration of how dangerous the situation is, provoked by endless aggressive statements coming from Washington, from London, from other European capitals. This is an illustration of the consequences that the atmosphere of extreme tension that has now developed due to these aggressive actions of our counterparties in Europe can have,” the press secretary commented.

Peskov also called the American media a serious publication and added that now, against the background of such publications, the Kremlin has every reason to replace the definition of the term fake-news with Bloomberg-news.

On February 5, the American news agency Bloomberg mistakenly published a headline on the website about Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine and apologized for publishing false data. The circumstances of how a false and provocative publication could appear on the agency’s website are being investigated.

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