Home » Peresild and Shipenko told what they took with them on a flight to the ISS

Peresild and Shipenko told what they took with them on a flight to the ISS

by alex

Actress Yulia Peresild and director Klim Shipenko said that they were allowed to take the Soyuz MS-19 with them on board. As the filmmakers explained at a press conference before the flight, the weight of the “luggage” is strictly limited and is only one kilogram, so they had to seriously approach the choice of things.

“These will be photographs, drawings of my children, rings, earrings of friends, and, well, a“ zero gravity indicator ”little jackdaws,” said the actress.

Shipenko, on the other hand, decided to take a T-shirt with him, in which he removes all his films.

Peresild and Shipenko will go into space on October 5 to shoot the film “Challenge”. In addition to them, the ship's commander, Anton Shkaplerov, was included in the crew, and the backup crew consists of flight engineer Oleg Artemyev, director of photography Alexei Dudin and actress Alena Mordovina. The estimated duration of a space flight to the ISS will be at least 12 days.

The commander of the ship Shkaplerov said earlier that he was proud to be on the crew of the filmmakers. The cosmonaut noted that the ship was modified for control without a professional engineer.

The painting “Call” is a joint project of Roscosmos, Channel One and the studio Yellow, Black and White. The picture is dedicated to the work of a doctor, which is far from the cosmic sphere, but due to circumstances will fly into orbit to save the life of an astronaut. Filming will start immediately after the Soyuz MS-19 separates from the launch vehicle – approximately 8 minutes after the launch.

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