Home ยป People in these professions remain lonely longer than others.

People in these professions remain lonely longer than others.

by alex

Find your profession on the list and be horrified or happy (this is optional).

Leaving aside the lyrics like “All professions are needed, all professions are important”: you are already old enough to know the truth. Not all professions are necessary and important. Moreover, some are so unnecessary and unimportant that their representatives remain lonely on average longer than representatives of other, more successful professions. It is to this conclusion that a recent study on the topic leads us.

And the study was conducted by non-dusty scientists who have not left the lab for years and have never smelled the gunpowder of a nightclub – no, it was carried out by analysts at the job search site zippia.com. They studied personal data collected from site users over four years and were horrified.

Well, okay, okay, maybe they weren't horrified, but those analysts who thought of becoming a bartender in their youth were horrified. After all, it turned out that it is the bartenders who remain lonely longer than the rest: unmarried 40-year-old bartenders are the majority among the respondents. Now let's go through the list in decreasing order of loneliness percentage.

So, 15 professions, the owners of which remain lonely longer

1. Bartenders – 74%

2. Tilers – 73%

3. Waiters – 69%

4. Guides – 65%

5. Flight attendants and flight attendants – 61%

6. Mail sorters – 60%

7. Phlebotomists (health worker who takes blood) – 60%

8. Porters – 58%

9. Masseurs – 57%

10. Jewelers – 55%

11. Animators – 54%

12. Hairdressers – 54%

13. Employees of animal shelters – 52%

14. Receptionists – 52%

15. Actors – 51%

Of course, we must not forget that loneliness does not necessarily mean a dull, joyless life in which there is no place for human warmth.

On the contrary, we are sure that in the life of bartenders there is no shortage of unrestrained adventures with barely familiar beauties, whom fate nails every night to the bar. And the actors hardly need pity. And there is nothing to say about mail sorters.

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