Home » Pentagon will provide military aid to Ukraine as soon as Congress votes – Ryder

Pentagon will provide military aid to Ukraine as soon as Congress votes – Ryder

by alex

The Pentagon expressed its readiness to quickly provide military assistance to Ukraine after the US Congress votes on the corresponding bill.

This was stated by US Department of Defense spokesman Patrick Ryder, according to Voice of America correspondent Ostap Yarish.

Aid to Ukraine from the USA

— Just as we have done in the past, we can act within a few days. The aid package will likely include components such as air defense and artillery, — said Ryder.

At the same time, Majority Leader in the US Senate Chuck Schumer believes that it will be possible to quickly pass a bill on military assistance to Ukraine, and then send the document to US President Joe Biden for signature.

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Chuck Schumer hopes that the US House of Representatives will not delay the passage of the Ukraine aid bill, because this time has allegedly cost the US and its allies dearly.

On the afternoon of April 19, the US House of Representatives adopted a bill to provide assistance to Ukraine in a procedural vote. The final vote is scheduled for April 20.

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