Home » Pandemic heavily impacts service sector in Eurozone

Pandemic heavily impacts service sector in Eurozone

by alex

IHS Markit's purchasing managers' index fell by one point in January

The restrictions in the corona pandemic continued to weigh heavily on the service sector at the beginning of the year. The purchasing manager index collected by the IHS Markit institute fell by one point to 45.4 points in January, as the research company announced on Wednesday in London according to a second estimate.

However, the decline was somewhat smaller than initially determined. In a first estimate, 45.0 points were determined. The sentiment indicator, which is highly regarded in the financial markets, is thus well below the growth threshold of 50 points.

In Italy the indicator rose surprisingly, but continues to point to a decline in economic activity. In Spain, on the other hand, the indicator fell surprisingly significantly. No initial assessment is carried out in either country. In France, the value from the initial estimate has been revised upwards and in Germany slightly downwards. In all four major economies of the euro zone, the value is below the growth threshold of 50 points.

The indicator for the overall economy fell in the euro zone by 1.3 points to 47.8 points. In the first estimate, a decrease to 47.5 points was determined. The figures for the industry were published on Monday.

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