Home » Pandemic: British scientists reported a change in the clinical picture of the course of COVID-19

Pandemic: British scientists reported a change in the clinical picture of the course of COVID-19

by alex

Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 176 million people have been infected with the coronavirus. More than 3.8 million patients have died with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19. DW is following events on June 13th.

Provided by Deutsche Welle

The world is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic – with restrictions and vaccinations. According to the Worldometer portal, since the beginning of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the infection has been detected in more than 176 million inhabitants of the planet. More than 3.8 million patients with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 have died, and more than 160 million people have recovered. DW follows the events of Sunday, June 13 (Moscow time).

++ 05.50 ++

The daily increase in coronavirus infections in Germany , according to the Robert Koch Institute, amounted to 1,489 cases – 951 less than exactly a week ago. Over the past 7 days, 17.3 cases of infection were registered per 100,000 residents (the day before – 18.3). The highest incidence rate reached on December 22, 2020 – 197.6 cases. Over the past 24 hours, 18 patients have died, the total number of deaths has increased to 89,834. In total, 3,714,969 cases of infection have been detected in Germany since the beginning of the epidemic. About 84 million people live in Germany.

++ 04.50 ++

State Duma deputy and former chief sanitary doctor of Russia Gennady Onishchenko demanded that those Muscovites who have not yet been vaccinated and have not been ill, take advantage of the additional days off from June 15 to 19 introduced by the Moscow authorities to get a vaccine against coronavirus.

++ 03.40 ++

The World Health Organization (WHO) is reviewing all versions of the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, including a laboratory leak. This was stated by the director general of the organization Tedros Adan Ghebreyesus. According to him, the conclusions drawn after the first stage of investigations into the origin of the coronavirus are not final.

Chinese scientists find 24 new coronavirus genomes in bats

++ 02.30 ++

Chinese scientists studied biomaterials of bats collected in the south of the country in 2019-2020 and found 24 new genomes of coronaviruses. Four of them turned out to be similar to SARS-CoV-2. A few months ago, a study by British, German and American scientists appeared, which stated that climate change has led to an increase in the population of bats in China and their species diversity.

++ 01.25 ++

Pandemic: British scientists reported a change in the clinical picture of the course of COVID-19

MSU building

Moscow universities, against the backdrop of an increase in the incidence of COVID-19 in Moscow and the announcement of non-working days from June 15 to June 19, will transfer exams and certification to remote control. If the exams cannot be conducted remotely, they will be held subject to epidemic restrictions.

++ 00.15 ++

New strains of the virus have made changes in the clinical picture of the course of COVID-19. If previously the characteristic signs were fever, persistent cough, loss of taste and smell, now they are headache, runny nose and sore throat, reports the Mirror publication, citing a study from King's College London.

Coronavirus distribution map prepared by Johns Hopkins University

Chronicle of the pandemic June 12 >>>

See also:

Coronavirus in Belarus: What are the authorities hiding? | Talk Show DW

Pandemic: British scientists reported a change in the clinical picture of the course of COVID-19

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    Pandemic: British scientists reported a change in the clinical picture of the course of COVID-19


    Author: Vadim Shatalin

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