Home » Oxford Dictionary was unable to pick the 2020 main word

Oxford Dictionary was unable to pick the 2020 main word

by alex

Oxford Dictionary was unable to pick the 2020 main word

The Oxford English Dictionary was unable to pick one key word for 2020, publishing instead a number of the most comprehensive concepts that describe this time. This is stated on the official website of the dictionary.

The statement says that the English language has had to adapt quickly and repeatedly this year.

The Oxford lexicographers published the most mentioned words, depending on the event. Among them, bushfire – “devastating wildfire”, when Australia was engulfed in fires in January, and “impeachment” – in the first month of this year, the US Senate began to consider charges against American leader Donald Trump.

In the spring, the list of words was replenished with expressions related to the pandemic. These are coronavirus (“coronavirus”), COVID-19, lockdown, social distancing (“social distancing”).

Previously, the authoritative British English Dictionary Collins English Dictionary named “lockdown” or isolation mode as the main word of 2020.

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