Home » Organized a large-scale rally in support of the war: a native of the Dnieper will be judged in Germany

Organized a large-scale rally in support of the war: a native of the Dnieper will be judged in Germany

by alex

In Germany, they will judge a Russian woman who organized the largest motor rally in support of the aggressor state. For the committed she faces up to three years behind bars.

In the German city of Cologne, Russian Elena Kolbasnikova will be judged. She is accused of promoting war because of her public approval of Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Deutsche Welle writes about it.

Elena Kolbasnikova herself is a native of Dnipro and at the same time one of the leaders of pro-Russian protests in Germany. In this regard, the woman cooperates with local right-wing extremist politicians. Together with Markus Beisicht, a former member of the anti-immigrant party “ProNRW”, she spoke to the participants of the motor rally dedicated to the anniversary of the surrender of Nazi Germany on May 8, 2022. Then more than a thousand activists gathered in cars with Russian and Soviet flags near one of the lakes to drive to the Soviet monument in Cologne.

Kolbasnikova said at the rally, they say, “Russia is not an aggressor, Russia is now helping to end the war in Ukraine.” According to the prosecutor's office, in this way, the Russian woman approved the crimes of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. According to international law, waging a war of aggression is a crime, and those who approve of it risk spending three years in prison. However, the most likely punishment is a fine.

Kolbasnikova herself calls herself a victim who “suffered” because of the “struggle for peace and truth.” It should be noted that the trial in Cologne may not be the last for the activist. The newspaper Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger wrote in January that Kolbasnikova was being investigated for a call to recruit into the Wagner PMC units.

Recall that a mother of many children from Russia said that she would send her four sons to die in the war against Ukraine “for the sake of the motherland.” A woman, drinking vodka, talked about the “greatness of Russia” and that “the Germans are still on their knees asking the Russian Federation for forgiveness.”

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