Home » Orban's Hungarian opponent said he is against sending weapons to Ukraine, but considers Putin an aggressor

Orban's Hungarian opponent said he is against sending weapons to Ukraine, but considers Putin an aggressor

by alex

He supported the right of Ukraine to defend itself from Russian aggression.

OppositionalHungarian politician Peter Madyar said that he supports the actions of the authorities opposing military assistance to Ukraine, but believes that Russia is the aggressor in the war.

Informs about this Politico.

Madyar stated that on the issue of military assistance to Ukraine, he supports the actions of the current government, which opposes such a step.

“We will not send troops or weapons to Ukraine from Hungary. You know what a difficult position Hungary is in in this war,” he said.

At the same time, he supported Ukraine's right to defend itself against Russian aggression. He said Russian dictator Putin is an aggressor and Ukraine's “independence and sovereignty” are protected internationally.

Madyar also commented on the admission of members of his party to the faction of the European People's Party, known for its pro-Ukrainian rhetoric, which does not contradict the position of TISZA.

“I think that the EPP understands the special, difficult situation in which Hungary finds itself in this war. But we, of course, will support the Ukrainian people in all other ways and instruments,” he assured. < /p>

The KhNP, in turn, stated that they understand Madyar’s cautious rhetoric towards Ukraine.

“Everything he says about Ukraine and the war, Orban’s propaganda machine uses against him,” said a representative of the political force.

Recall that it was previously reported that Hungary will legalize Ukrainians with expired passports.

In addition, we previously reported that the Hungarian Prime Minister has a new political rival.

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