Home » Orban sent a cynical letter to the EU after meeting with Putin

Orban sent a cynical letter to the EU after meeting with Putin

by alex

The Hungarian Prime Minister continues to play along with the Kremlin dictator.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, after his visit to Russian dictator Putin, sent a letter to the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and EU leaders, in which he described how his negotiations went.

This is reported by EP.

In his letter, Orbán wrote that during the negotiations he did not put forward any proposals or express a single opinion on behalf of the European Council or the European Union, and all statements to the contrary were “baseless.”

Speaking about a conversation with the Russian dictator, Orban said that his vision of the situation on the front line “is significantly different from the interpretation of President Zelensky.”

“Putin did not in any way mention Russian losses. As for Ukrainian losses, the Russian side estimates the monthly losses of Ukrainian forces at 40-50 thousand soldiers, which have increased even more in recent weeks. Therefore (Putin. – Ed. ) was surprised that the President of Ukraine rejected the proposal for a temporary ceasefire,” he says. At the same time, the letter says, Putin is ready to consider a possible truce, which “will not serve as a hidden redeployment and reorganization of Ukrainian forces.”

Orban also said that the Kremlin is ready to agree only to the conditions determined during the negotiations in Istanbul in April 2022, “especially the fifth paragraph of the document, which defines the international security guarantees that should be provided to Ukraine.” This paragraph talks about the veto right of the so-called guarantors of Ukraine’s security on the possible use of force against it, and Russia wanted to see itself among these guarantors.

In addition, Orban said that Moscow is ready to “exchange views” on the so-called “peace initiative” between China and Brazil. This proposal calls for peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, but it makes no mention at all of the need to restore Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Orbán spent the rest of the letter reiterating his theses that “Europe needs peace” for economic prosperity, and the chances for peace are diminishing “due to the fact that diplomatic channels are blocked and there is no direct dialogue between the parties.”

“Time is of the essence in light of the intensification of hostilities and the rapid increase in casualties. If we cannot stop this process, then in the next two months we will witness more dramatic losses and military events at the front than before “either before,” says Orban.

In conclusion, the Hungarian Prime Minister said that due to the election campaign in the coming months, the United States will not be able to demonstrate “political leadership” on this issue, so it is necessary to consider the possibility of launching a “European initiative” in the spirit of “strategic autonomy.”

We recall that it was previously reported that Zelensky harshly commented on the “peacekeeping mission” of the Hungarian prime minister.

In addition, we previously reported that Hungary canceled the meeting with Bärbock after Orban's trip to Moscow.

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