Home » Orban says the war continues because of US assistance: the Foreign Ministry announced a pathological neglect of Ukraine

Orban says the war continues because of US assistance: the Foreign Ministry announced a pathological neglect of Ukraine

by alex

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban believes that peace in Ukraine will come if the United States wants it . The Hungarian leader cynically shifted the responsibility for prolonging the war to Ukraine and the United States.

Orban said that Ukraine can fight with Russia as long as the United States supports our country with weapons and money. At the same time, the Hungarian prime minister veiledly hinted that the cessation of military assistance from the United States would allegedly lead to peace.

Orban admitted that Hungary is interested in cooperation with Russia

< p class="bloquote cke-markup">Ukraine can only continue to fight as long as the US supports them with money and weapons. If Americans want peace, then there will be peace,” he said.

In addition, Orban repeated the mantra that Hungary's position is that the war requires a ceasefire and then peace talks.

The Hungarian prime minister noted that this year was the most dangerous in the last 30 years. He cynically said that Hungary was in danger of becoming involved in a war in Ukraine.

He also resorted to manipulation that rising energy prices were pushing Hungary in a dangerous direction. During this, Orban, a warm friend of Vladimir Putin, was silent that the problems in Europe and the world began precisely because of Russia's war of conquest against Ukraine.

In addition, he sidestepped the question regarding Budapest's position by saying that Hungary is “Pro-Hungarian”.

Our answer to the question of whether we are on the good or bad side of history is that we are on the Hungarian side of history,” he explained.

Orban, among other things, said that Hungary supports and helps Ukraine and is interested in the “survival of a sovereign Ukraine.” At the same time, according to him, Hungary is interested in cooperation with Russia, although it acknowledged that Putin poses a threat to the security of Europe.

“And we are interested in Russia not posing a threat to the security of Europe. But we they are not interested in surrendering all our economic relations with Russia,” the Hungarian Prime Minister summed up.

In Kyiv, Orban was answered because of a cynical statement

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry sharply commented on Orban's statements. Kyiv stressed that Orban's statements “demonstrate a pathological disregard for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, who oppose Russian aggression, as well as his own political myopia.”

After all, the defeat of Ukraine in the war, which Viktor Orban implicitly calls for would lead to a direct threat of Russian aggression to Hungary and the Hungarians, the message says.

The Foreign Ministry advised Orban to ask himself if he wants peace. “If the answer is yes, he needs to use his close ties with Moscow to stop the aggression against Ukraine and withdraw troops,” the message says.

What other scandalous statements did Orban make

  • The Hungarian government has taken a far ambiguous position on the war in Ukraine. On the one hand, Hungary received Ukrainian refugees and also provided humanitarian assistance.
  • On the other hand, the Orban government dragged out political processes against Russia, and also banned the transport of military aid to Ukraine through Hungary.
  • Orban has repeatedly stated that he will urge EU leaders to reconsider sanctions against Moscow. He believes that EU sanctions against Russia have failed and called for peace talks between Ukraine and Russia.
  • Hungary has repeatedly blocked EU sanctions against Russia, and also prevented the allocation of macro-financial assistance to Ukraine.
  • The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry warned Orban that if the EU stops the sanctions pressure on Russia, and Ukraine does not receive assistance, then Russian tanks will be in Budapest.

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