Home » Orban “attacked” the US and Europe: what does he accuse them of

Orban “attacked” the US and Europe: what does he accuse them of

by alex

Hungarian PM criticizes "submission" countries of Europe and accused the United States of &".

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, during a keynote speech at the Tusvanyos summer camp in Romania, said that the explosion of the Nord Stream gas pipelines was a terrorist act “obviously committed under American leadership.”

European Pravda writes about this.

The main points of Orban's speech were the collapse of European policy and Europe's refusal to protect its interests.

“Today, Europe does nothing but unconditionally follow the foreign policy of the US Democratic Party, even at the cost of self-harm,” stressed Orban.

He noted that sanctions against Russia cause “fundamental damage” to the interests of European countries, lead to higher energy prices and make the European economy uncompetitive.

“The fact that we are silent about the explosion of the Nord Stream gas pipeline, that Germany itself is silent about an obvious act of terrorism committed under American leadership against its property, and that we do not investigate, do not try to find out and do not raise this issue legally – yes, just as we did not do the right thing about the wiretapping of Angela Merkel, which was carried out with the help of Denmark – this is nothing more than an act of obedience,” the Hungarian prime minister said.

It should be noted that the version of the “American trace” in the explosions at the “Northern “Streams” is a Russian narrative that Orban is repeating.

Last year, Western media also suggested that in addition to the United States, some “non-governmental groups” of Russians and Ukrainians could have been behind the explosions of the Nord Stream gas pipelines. However, Ukraine denies its involvement in the explosions on the gas pipelines.

Recall that the explosions on the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines occurred on September 26, 2022.

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