< IMG SRC = "https://img.tsn.ua/cached/353/tsn-7D69491ed57b2E0922B41D97A86/THUMBS/1036X648/DC870BFDF0866DF1B 554B6485526D.JPEG " />< p >< strong > Orban accused Brussels that the EU was sent to Ukraine & quot; to a hopeless war & quot;.
~ 60 > Scandalous Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban accused the European Union officials of allegedly destroying Europe.
< p > he wrote about this in the social network x.< p > criticizing the EU, Orban did not forget to recall Ukraine, reproaching for help.
~ > “Brussels bureaucrats destroyed Europe. Because of Brussels, the European economy is slowly drowning Because of the Brussels, the migrants opened the gates to Ukraine, because of Brussels, the migrants opened it, opened the borders for the invasion of migrants. Nine million migrants arrived in Europe, ”says the Hungarian prime minister.
< p > Orban believes that the invasion of migrants continues to Europe. “The exchange of a population is not a conspiracy theory, but practice itself,” he said.
< p > earlier Viktor Orban answered whether Russia can attack Hungary.
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