Home » Open software offered to be equated with domestic software for public procurement

Open software offered to be equated with domestic software for public procurement

by alex

In October, the Ministries and the Digital Economy, a non-profit organization, are to submit proposals to support open source (OS) and open architecture (OA) software. Such solutions can receive equal privileges with domestic government procurement programs. Now state-owned companies and organizations are obliged to give priority to Russian software. According to the developers, OS and OA solutions should be developed and stored in Russia.

Open source software or free software can be redistributed without restriction, the source code can be modified to suit your needs. The open architecture allows updating, adding and making changes to the components of such software.

The source of RBC said that the Ministry of Digital Industry plans to equate OS and OA solutions with domestic software for state purchases. It is also expected to provide government support to companies that develop free software, to give them access to soft loans.

Deputy Minister of Digital Development Maxim Parshin confirmed that a strategy for the development of OS and OA is being developed. “Soon the draft strategy will be available for wide discussion, and then presented at the Russia Open Source Summit, which will be held on October 1 as part of the ICPC World Programming Championship finals,” he told the publication.

“The provisions discussed at the end of July are early drafts,” says Ilya Massukh, director of the Competence Center for Import Substitution in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies. According to him, we are not talking about equating open source software with Russian. “We, as a center of competence, and I think the entire industry will be against such a decision,” he added. The expert noted that often free software is stored abroad, and the question of the rights to it also arises.

“Of course, in niche areas where there are no domestic counterparts, you can use both free and even proprietary software. But to get the same rights as Russian software, free software must be developed by a Russian company, based in a domestic repository, not have forced updates from abroad, have technical support here, etc., ”added Massukh.

Alexey Smirnov, chairman of the board of directors of Linux-based software developer Basalt SPO, said that the register of domestic software already contains several solutions based on OS and OA. According to some developers, they are not full-fledged new products, but represent only a design update of existing ones.

In June, the Association of Software Developers “Domestic Soft” complained about the company “Almi Partner” and its products, which were included in the register of domestic software – AlterOS and AlterOffice. The director of Domestic Software believes that these products are minimally revised open source solutions OpenSuse and LibreOffice, “in which icons and application names have been replaced.” In this regard, the developer proposes to tighten the requirements for software for inclusion in the register.

Earlier, “Secret” wrote that the Russian authorities had approved a plan to transfer factories to Russian software. According to the document, by 2024 Russian developers will cover 60% of the needs of enterprises in software, now this figure is six times less.

Photo: Pixabay, Pixabay License

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