Home » OPCW receives blood samples from Navalny

OPCW receives blood samples from Navalny

by alex

The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is already participating in the investigation of what happened to Alexei Navalny. The German magazine Spiegel writes about this.

According to him, the OPCW delegation visited the Berlin clinic “Charite”, where the Russian is currently staying. This happened last weekend – before the announcement that Navalny was taken out of a coma. During the visit, the organization's employees received samples of the oppositionist's blood and urine.

The publication also reported that the substance of the Novichok group appears in the Navalny case of a more severe form than was previously known.

On September 10 it became known that the oppositionist had completely recovered.

The oppositionist became ill on August 20 during a flight from Tomsk to Moscow. In the first two days, doctors from the Omsk hospital helped him. They also introduced him to an artificial coma. On August 22, the patient was sent to a clinic in Berlin.

On September 2, the German government announced that military toxicologists had found traces of a substance from the Novichok group in Navalny's body and called on the Russian government to respond to this information. Russian doctors say that no poisons were found in the patient's analyzes. Moscow, in turn, indicated that they are waiting for a response to the request of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia to the German Ministry of Justice.

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