Home » Online treatment: the possibilities of telemedicine are almost endless

Online treatment: the possibilities of telemedicine are almost endless

by alex

This was discussed by the participants of the round table “Prospects for the development of the telemedicine market”, which was organized by “DP”. According to experts, modern solutions will make it possible to more actively develop many important areas in medicine and, in particular, implement a model of an individual approach to each patient, especially in the field of prevention.

Gone on the Internet

In the northern capital, telemedicine technologies are currently used by many medical institutions. According to Alexander Solonin, General Director of the Association of Private Clinics of St. Petersburg, key players in the city's medical market on the Neva believe that this makes communication with patients much easier. In particular, telemedicine solutions have been implemented at more than 400 medical sites in clinics that are part of the Association.

“Some clinics on their platforms jointly conduct a patient, conduct consultations. Others connect artificial intelligence technologies. Someone uses telemedicine solutions to decrypt images remotely. And many medical centers and clinics use telemedicine to optimize the work of the reception, translate patient records and them online, “- said Alexander Solonin.

The direction of preventive and personalized medicine is changing qualitatively. So, during a pandemic, remote monitoring of the patient's condition has gained great popularity, with the help of which the elderly can be monitored; monitor the health of people who need regular examinations, as well as the condition of workers in hazardous industries. “Judging by the requests, interest in monitoring has increased 4 times over the past year,” commented Vyacheslav Milovanov, systems engineer and PRTG specialist, business development manager at Paessler.

Nadezhda Novikova-Smolentseva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Energo Medical Center, is convinced that a number of branches of medicine can completely switch over to the remote format of patient care. For example, the provision of psychological assistance or counseling by psychotherapists may well be carried out only through the capabilities of telemedicine.

Dock Systems

The state actively supports the development of telemedicine, however, according to the experts gathered at the round table “DP”, both legislators and software developers and doctors still have a lot to do.

“First of all, a reliable bridge is needed between all information systems: the MHI Fund, as well as city and regional segments of the Unified State Information System in the Healthcare Sector (UHISZ). And this bridge must accurately identify the patient in all these information systems,” explains the head of the Group of Companies “Eco-safety” Roman Konstantinov – Ideally, a patient, having received a unique identifier in the Uniform State Health Information System, can apply for advice or treatment to various medical organizations, while all information about his health is accumulated in the Unified State Health Information System. his health is entered into the computer, and thus the system accumulates his data. “

However, at the moment, many digital systems are fragmented. “Of course, there are connections, there are connections, but all the same now patients do not have a single reliable personifier,” added Roman Konstantinov.

And this significantly hinders the possibility of free use of many telecommunication solutions. Even such simple ones as the initial appointment and examination, which now the law on telemedicine prohibits to do in absentia. Remote visits can only be repeated visits to the doctor and follow-up observation at a distance. “And this is true, because when the first appointment was face-to-face, the doctor understands the anamnesis, understands what is happening with the patient, and, of course, all subsequent consultations will be more correct and to the point. Now, the first face-to-face appointment is often replaced by an online consultation, when In fact, it all comes down to just advice and just a dialogue between a doctor and a patient. And there is really little sense from such communication. But when it becomes possible to store the patient's medical history in the Unified State Health Information System, or the patient is a regular client of the clinic, and the history of his illness is stored there, then an initial online appointment is quite possible “, – comments Sergey Skorodumov, director of the Energo medical center.

Communicate to the patient

Vyacheslav Milovanov believes that the telemedicine market in Russia has great prospects. According to the expert, our country has advanced much further in this direction than the states of Europe. “There are still appointments with doctors on paper, there is no communication via electronic channels. For various reasons – in particular, because of data protection. The Russian Federation now has a more serious advantage in this direction,” said Vyacheslav Milovanov.

However, it is also premature to say that the Russian population has fully accepted telemedicine: conservatism and a completely justified fear remain regarding untested solutions and new unusual technologies, both on the part of patients and on the part of heads of healthcare services.

According to Nadezhda Novikova-Smolentseva, it is important to inform patients that telemedicine is useful, it saves time. “This information must necessarily reach the end consumer, some work in this regard must be carried out,” the participant of the DP roundtable is sure. “But at the level at which telemedicine is now, when a doctor does not have the right to make a diagnosis remotely and It is difficult to correct the treatment. Therefore, new legislative adjustments are needed for the full development of telemedicine. “

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