Home » One of the leaders of al-Qaeda liquidated

One of the leaders of al-Qaeda liquidated

by alex

The Afghan security forces have eliminated one of the leaders of the terrorist organization “Al-Qaeda” (banned in Russia). This is reported by Reuters with reference to the country's National Security Administration.

According to him, we are talking about Abu Muhsin al-Masri, who appears on the list of the most wanted terrorists of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Washington believes that he provided material support to a foreign terrorist organization. He was accused of conspiracy to kill American citizens.

The militant was neutralized during a special operation in Ghazni province in eastern Afghanistan.

In June, the leader of al-Qaeda in North Africa, Abdelmalek Drukdal, was liquidated. In February, the US military killed the leader of a terrorist group in Yemen, Qasim al-Raimi.

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