Home » One EU country is considering compulsory conscription for women

One EU country is considering compulsory conscription for women

by alex

< p>At the same time, some parties in the country do not want this to happen on the eve of the elections.

Danish Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen said that the country's authorities are considering the possibility of mobilizing women.

Kristeligt Dagblad writes about this with reference to the minister’s statement on April 29.

He says a lot of effort has gone into discussing models for how Denmark can achieve full equality for women.

“But I also recognize that it has to happen after the next general election because some parties don't want it to happen this side of the election,” he said.

According to the minister, Copenhagen should urgently reach an agreement, because “the Russian Federation has invaded Ukraine, and Denmark needs to rearm.”

At present, service for women in the Danish army is voluntary. However, according to the head of the Ministry of Defense, the majority of parties are in favor of making it mandatory.

Remember, in Ukraine now women can join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine exclusively voluntarily.

The speaker of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (2014-2017) and military expert Vladislav Seleznev spoke about this, in particular. He emphasized that currently women serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine both in officer positions and as commanders of combat units.

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