In addition to the accessory, he only had a penis cover, a necklace, and a crown with feathers.
In Oceania, an aborigine surprised with his accessory – a bracelet with the coat of arms of Ukraine.
A travel blogger told about this Marina Grankina on her Instagram page.
She met with the Nahwal tribe living on the island of Tanna, located in the country of Vanuatu. She saw a bracelet with a trident on one of the men, whose name is Yakel. By the way, besides the accessory, he only had a penis cover, a necklace, and a crown with feathers on.
“When your accessories include a bracelet with a Ukrainian trident and a penis cover. A man from the Yakel tribe wears a bracelet with a trident. In the tribe, they asked us if the war with Russia was still going on,” Marina wrote.
In the comments under the post, the blogger's subscribers shared that they were stunned by what they saw:
Recall that at the famous resort in Egypt, a shark attacked tourists. As a result of the attack, one tourist was killed and another was injured.
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