Home ยป Olympic star seriously injured while shooting for ORF

Olympic star seriously injured while shooting for ORF

by alex


Setback for Magdalena Lobnig. The Olympic third in rowing sustained a leg injury in a bicycle fall. It happened during a commercial shoot.

Six weeks ago, Magdalena Lobnig caused goose bumps at the Summer Olympics in Tokyo. The 31-year-old rower won bronze and crowned her career.

At the moment, however, the Carinthian woman has little to smile about. Lobnig is seriously injured in his right leg. She tore the ligament and tendon sheath and needed an operation. She has to wear a cast for the next six weeks.

The Olympic third party suffered the injury in a mountain bike fall during an ORF advertising shoot. “After the tenth attempt to turn, I couldn't get out of the folding pedals. Then I had two options: pull out with full force or fall down the slope – I opted for the former,” she tells the “Krone”.

The state championships and the coastal world championships will take place without the Austrian. “I am not allowed to do anything now,” complains Lobnig. She writes on Instagram: “I find it really difficult to smile at the moment. But I try to focus on the healing process.”

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