Home » OK added charity funds to their own marketplace

OK added charity funds to their own marketplace

by alex

Collections of goods from charitable foundations appeared in the marketplace of the Odnoklassniki social network. Now OK users can support them by purchasing T-shirts and sweatshirts with unique prints, certificates for various services, interesting books and tableware through the “Products” section. You can buy goods using the link on the foundation's website – thanks to this, all proceeds from the sale will be sent to help the wards of charitable organizations.

The first to appear in the window were collections of goods from the groups of the funds “Live Now”, “Life is Like a Miracle”, “House with a Lighthouse”, “Anton is Here Nearby” and “Violence.No” *. Thus, OC users will be able to support people who have suffered from domestic violence, people with autism spectrum disorders and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, as well as children who have undergone or are awaiting transplantation.

The social network plans to add other foundations that sell their own charitable goods to the showcase. Any charitable organizations that have been verified by Dobro Mail.ru and have confirmed their effectiveness and transparent reputation can join the project.

Inna Galiakhmetova, head of e-commerce department, OK:

– A multi-million audience is gathered in OK – these are people of different social and age groups, which is why it is so important for us to create an inclusive environment at the site and support charitable foundations and social initiatives. We annually initiate various educational projects in OK. With their help, we show users how important it is to understand and accept other people.

Now there are about 50 charitable goods on the marketplace, but we plan to expand the number of funds in the showcase and are open for cooperation. In the future, we want the OK product showcase to become not only a place for pleasant and easy purchases, but also a place of help for those who especially need it.

To get to the marketplace showcase, funds must have an active official group in OK, place goods in it using the internal social network service and inform Dobro Mail.ru representatives about their desire to get to the main page of the “Goods”. A selection of products from the fund group will appear on the marketplace showcase.

The products of charitable organizations can be purchased by going from the product card in OK to the foundation's website. Before going to the site within the social network, you can see detailed information about the product – description, price and manufacturer. This can be done from any device: in the desktop version of OK, in a mobile browser and in OK applications on iOS and Android.

In addition to supporting goods on the marketplace showcase, OK also advise foundations on working with the audience of the social network, support their initiatives and launch educational campaigns.

Alexandra Babkina, director of social projects Mail.ru Group

“It is important for us that proven foundations have new technological opportunities in order to find new supporters and collect donations in our ecosystem. Buying unique goods from non-profit organizations right inside Odnoklassniki is an opportunity for users not only to please themselves and their loved ones, but also to take the first step into charity and real social change.

OK are constantly initiating various social projects in accordance with the social strategy of Mail.ru Group. In 2020, OK, together with the Anton Is Here Near Foundation, launched the Time to Think About Art project and created a collection of goods in support of people with autism. Earlier, the OK supported the “Books upside down” project and published a series of posts about children with Down syndrome who read aloud the works of authors of classical literature.

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