Home » Oil depot burns in Russia after UAVs land (video)

Oil depot burns in Russia after UAVs land (video)

by alex

Defense forces continue to attack Russian oil depots.

A local oil depot caught fire in the Voronezh region of Russia drone.

Russian propaganda media reported this.

Local residents said that the drone attack was aimed at the oil depot of Annanefteprodukt LLC, located in the area of ​​the village of Anna.

The local governor announced an increased risk of drone attacks several hours ago.

In recent months, drone attacks on military infrastructure facilities, oil refineries and oil depots have been recorded in the Russian Federation.

Recall that it was previously reported that The Defense Forces and the Main Intelligence Directorate attacked the infidels' oil depots and artillery in RF.

In addition, we previously reported that in the Rostov region of the Russian Federation, an oil depot that supplied fuel to the Russian army is on fire.

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