Home » Odnoklassniki will host a free Webium mini-course from the exam for parents

Odnoklassniki will host a free Webium mini-course from the exam for parents

by alex

It is necessary to prepare for the uniform final exams not only for children, but also for their parents. Before the start of the academic year, a team of Webium teachers and a psychologist at the Yasno service will raise the urgent problems that the families of graduates face every year. As part of the webinars, specialists will discuss the importance of psychological support for the child, his involvement in the process of preparing for the exam and the selection of the optimal way to study the material.

The mini-course will take place in the official group Webium for Parents in OK. All users of the Russian Internet will be able to watch useful broadcasts, videos are available without authorization in Odnoklassniki. The first broadcast will take place on August 14 at 12:00. Its topic will be devoted to psychological support for graduates before the USE, and subsequent ones are related to motivation and training formats.

“Parents play an important role in preparing the child for the final exams. Help and motivation from the family are one of the components of the successful passing of the Unified State Exam. As part of our mini-course, we will advise parents on how to cope with stress and how to turn it to the benefit of themselves and their child. Unfortunately, few people focus on the fact that moms and dads are also afraid of the exam. We would like to solve this problem with direct and honest dialogue, ”comments Daniel Darwin, founder and CEO of Webium.

The social network Odnoklassniki regularly conducts and supports social and educational projects. So, in September 2020, the OK hosted the annual project on conscious parenting “I care about”. In the summer of 2020, the OK and the Takie Dela edition launched the second series of the educational program “We don’t talk like that” about correct communication on the Internet. In the spring of 2021, OK supported the State Services project – a course for single parents.

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