Home » Occupiers send threats to phones of Ukrainian military – General Staff

Occupiers send threats to phones of Ukrainian military – General Staff

by alex

The invaders send threats to the phones of the Ukrainian military/Armyinform

Russian security services are trying to intimidate the Ukrainian military. They are sent telephone threats.

Messages are sent to the military calling for them to take the oath, lay down their arms, surrender, or go over to the side of the enemy. Threats to personal data are on the rise. The occupiers indicate the names and surnames of the person, taxpayer code, place of registration and data on the size and composition of the family.

The enemy wants to reduce the morale of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Messages come via SMS, as well as via mobile messengers: Telegram, Viber, Signal or WhatsApp. The text refers to the alleged exact location of the military. It is noted, they say, in case of continuation of service, precise missile strikes will be delivered to the places of residence of the fighter and his family.

Such threats are aimed at destabilizing the moral and psychological climate in the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, sowing doubts and reducing combat spirit.

Data in threats is out of date

Usually, the specified personal data of individuals is already out of date. It often happens that a person changed his place of registration a long time ago, moved to another locality, changed the unit in which he served in the military, or stopped military service altogether.

That is, threats are ordinary manipulations. The General Staff notes that such actions of the enemy are one of the types of psychological attack that is not supported by any specific actions. Therefore, they urge to believe only verified information.

The invaders send threats to the phones of the Ukrainian military, – General Staff

An example of the threat of infidels/Photo of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Threats to Ekaterina Prokopenko

The wife of one of the commanders of the defenders of Mariupol Denis Prokopenko, Ekaterina, said that Russian haters often call her. The fact is that the girl's number was posted on Russian social networks. They call with threats. According to Ekaterina, they do it to further loosen the nerves.

By the way, on the eve of Putin threatened to hit with missiles “where he has not yet hit.” All because of the supply of weapons to Ukraine. NSDC Secretary Alexei Danilov responded to the Russian dictator. He stressed that Russia should sign the capitulation. However, the fact that Putin can damage any of our cities with his missiles is a fact.

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