Home » Occupiers executed a soldier with a sword in Novogrodovka: what is known

Occupiers executed a soldier with a sword in Novogrodovka: what is known

by alex

In Novogrodovka, Donetsk region, Russian occupiers executed an unarmed Ukrainian soldier with a sword.

Updated at 11:55.

  • Execution of a soldier with a sword in Novogrodovka: what is known
  • Execution of a soldier in Novogrodovka: reaction of the ombudsman
  • Execution of a Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier in Novogrodovka: reaction of the Prosecutor General's Office
  • Novogrodovka on the map DeepState

Execution of a soldier with a sword in Novogrodovka: what is known

Information about the possible execution of a Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier in Novogrodovka was disseminated on September 17 by one of the Telegram channels.

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The published photo shows a sword stuck in the body of a serviceman of the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

The killed defender did not have equipment and adhesive tape on his hand.

Execution of a soldier in Novogrodovka: the reaction of the ombudsman

The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Dmytro Lubinets, as soon as he learned about the execution of the soldier, sent letters to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the UN.

The ombudsman wants international organizations to record another violation of human rights by Russia.

– The level of barbarity and bloodthirstiness is impossible to comprehend. Such actions are a gross violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War!

How much longer will the world watch as Russia openly demonstrates disregard for any norms and laws? – notes Dmitry Lubinets.

The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights notes: with such demonstrative executions, the Russians are trying to demoralize Ukrainian society.

However, the ombudsman is sure that seeing such actions, Ukrainians should become even more determined in the fight against the aggressor.

Execution of a Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier in Novogrodovka: reaction of the Prosecutor General's Office

After information appeared about the probable execution of a Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier in Novogrodovka, the Prosecutor General's Office began a pre-trial investigation under Part 2 of Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder).

A number of urgent investigative and search actions are ongoing.

Law enforcement officers are studying the circumstances of the offense to identify those involved and those guilty.

Instructions and requests have already been sent to the relevant competent services and institutions.

– The criminal regime continues its targeted policy of destroying everything Ukrainian, demonstrating its particular cruelty to the entire world, cynically trampling on any values ​​and norms of the civilized world, – notes Prosecutor General Andrey Kostin.

At present, the head of the Office of the Prosecutor General notes, employees are doing everything possible to find and punish everyone involved in these crimes.

– The world must see the atrocities of the occupiers and decisively respond to each such case. Only by working together can we punish this evil, – Andrey Kostin is sure.

Novogrodovka on the DeepState map

Оккупанты казнили мечом военного в Новогродовке: что известно

Let us remind you that about another The execution of the prisoner became known at the beginning of the month.

On September 6, Dmitry Lubinets contacted the ICRC and the UN after a video of the execution of what was likely a Ukrainian prisoner of war appeared online.

The full-scale war in Ukraine has been going on for 937 days now.

The situation in the cities can be monitored on the interactive map of military operations in Ukraine and on the map of air raids in Ukraine.

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