Home » Obama spoke about the come true prediction about Trump

Obama spoke about the come true prediction about Trump

by alex

Barack Obama

Former US President Barack Obama spoke to El Pais about his come true prediction regarding his successor, Donald Trump.

“I didn't expect Donald Trump to win [the election]. But I was sure that if this happens, he will last one term. I was right, ”said the 44th American leader. He noted that after the announcement of the election results in 2016, he immediately called Trump to congratulate him, and issued a number of orders designed to help the new administration.

Obama stressed that a peaceful transfer of power is part of what makes democracy effective. He noticed that he did not delay the transfer of powers and did not pretend that nothing had happened. “I ordered all departments and organizations to prepare instructions [on the transfer of authority]. One of these manuals included a scenario for dealing with a pandemic. It seems that they (representatives of the current administration – approx. “Lenta.ru” ) did not listen to our recommendations “, – concluded the politician.

Obama added that he is sad that his premonitions about Trump's post-election behavior have come true. He believes that significant damage has been done to the United States and the world in general over the four years of Trump's presidency. In his opinion, the current head of state has provoked a split in American society. “When I left the White House, the United States was a strong country,” the ex-president said.

Earlier it was reported that the first volume of Barack Obama's memoirs “The Promised Land” (A Promised Land) broke sales records. It was noted that hundreds of thousands of people placed the order. 3.4 million copies have already been published for the USA and Canada.

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