Home » Nutritionist reveals the benefits of pistachios

Nutritionist reveals the benefits of pistachios

by alex

Nutritionist Razumovskaya: pistachios should be included in the diet to speed up metabolism

Photo: Pixabay

Nutritionist Tatyana Razumovskaya said that pistachios are high in calories and contain a lot of fat, but they should be included in the diet to speed up metabolism. RIA Novosti writes about it.

According to the specialist, this product improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and speeds up metabolism. She emphasized that one of the main elements in pistachios is B7, or biotin, which allows you to digest protein and burn fat. “If biotin is not enough, then hair and skin suffer, a depressed mood appears, and“ bad ”cholesterol in the blood can rise,” she explained.

The nutritionist also emphasized that the large amount of potassium and magnesium contained in pistachios helps to strengthen blood vessels and normalize the heartbeat. She recommended up to 15 pistachios a day for adults and no more than seven for children.

At the same time, the doctor Razumovskaya said that pistachios can cause allergies. In addition, the calorie content of the product is high – about 550-560 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Earlier Natalya Kruglova, a nutritionist and member of the National Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists, named a vegetable that can protect against cancer. Tomatoes are a source of health benefits, she said. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful and important antioxidant for humans.

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