Home » Nutritionist named reasons to refuse bread

Nutritionist named reasons to refuse bread

by alex

Nutritionist Razumovskaya: white bread should be excluded from the menu in case of intestinal problems

Photo: Pixabay

Nutritionist Tatyana Razumovskaya named several reasons to refuse bread or reduce the amount of its consumption. RIA Novosti reports her words.

Razumovskaya reports that white bread or bread made from fine flour can lead to constipation, especially in the elderly. It should be excluded from the menu if there are problems with the intestines, the specialist believes.

“When you eat white bread, there is a strong release of insulin: blood sugar rises sharply, then drops just as sharply, and you feel hungry faster. Thus, flour bread indirectly affects weight gain by stimulating appetite, ”she said. The expert noted that it is also worth removing the product from the diet in the case of an inactive lifestyle.

The nutritionist added that eating whole grain bread can also have its consequences: if you eat too much of it, you can provoke flatulence. But if you follow the norm, then, on the contrary, it helps digestion.

Previously, nutritionist and fitness trainer Kathleen Trotter named simple and effective ways to lose the extra pounds gained during the New Year holidays. For systematic weight loss, she recommends choosing foods high in nutrients and reducing the number of processed foods and ready meals, and not resorting to fasting days and other forms of fasting.

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