Home ยป Number 39 banned in Afghanistan

Number 39 banned in Afghanistan

by alex

Amrullah Saleh

Afghanistan has officially banned the sale and registration of license plates with the number 39. This decision was announced by the country's first vice president Amrullah Saleh, reports Khaama Press.

Due to the fact that the number 39 in Afghanistan means “pimp”, many people refused to register issued numbers with this number, and also paid large bribes to be given a different number.

The amount of the bribe, according to Saleh, sometimes reaches $ 300. Last year alone, according to the newspaper, Afghans lost about a billion dollars by bribing officials and the police.

Earlier, the leaders of the Taliban terrorist movement, banned in Russia, ordered the members of the group to take fewer wives in order to save money on weddings. The reason for this decision was that the militants of the movement suspected the “elite” of corruption, since the officials of the movement arrange magnificent weddings and settle their numerous wives separately.

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