Home ยป Not a mobilization tool: the Employment Center explained the availability of vacancies in the Defense Forces

Not a mobilization tool: the Employment Center explained the availability of vacancies in the Defense Forces

by alex

Defense Force vacancies on the Employment Center website are not a mobilization tool, since they are on a voluntary basis.

The director of the State Employment Center Yulia Zhovtyak announced this on the air of the One News telethon.

— What concerns Defense Force vacancies — it is truly a person's voluntary consent. That is, these vacancies will not mean the obligatory conditions and conditions of suitable work, such as they usually were. That is, our goal — just offer people (jobs, — Ed.), — she says.

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In addition, Zhovtyak noted that among military vacancies there are also civilian ones, for example, cook, drivers, purchasing manager, nurse, etc.

— And this, as a rule, does not mean that the person will be, relatively speaking, in a combat zone. Our mission — help with such a search, but this is purely voluntary for people. We want to explain to our people who apply to the employment service (sometimes they do not have unemployed status, they are just looking for work) so that they do not regard this as mobilization. This is purely their voluntary job search, — she explains.

Zhovtyak also added that last year a Unified Job Portal was launched on the employment service website, which combines job offers from the State Employment Service and leading job search sites such as Work.ua, Robota.ua, PidBir and Jooble and more.

— This was done to make it easier for people to find a job and have it in one search source, — she says.

Today, the job portal is updated daily, and now there are about 200 thousand job offers on the Unified Job Portal. However, only 1 thousand of them — these are Defense Force vacancies.

— As for our memorandum, it means that simply with the help of technical means from the Robota.ua website, a separate subgroup has been created on the Unified Job Portal, like Defense Force vacancies, into which exactly the vacancies that are on the Robota.ua website are uploaded. Today there are about 1 thousand vacancies there. Our goal — join in helping to select candidates for the Defense Forces based on recruit, — she emphasized.

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And in this case, if a person refuses two offers of suitable work, his unemployed status will not be suspended.

— Today, we have been changing our work stereotype for a long time and are trying to find a job for a person that he really wants, — Zhovtyak added.

Recall that earlier the Ministry of Defense reported that Employment centers will offer the unemployed vacancies in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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