Home » Norwegian neo-Nazis came to synagogue on Jewish holiday

Norwegian neo-Nazis came to synagogue on Jewish holiday

by alex

Norwegian neo-Nazis came to a synagogue in Oslo on the most important Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur and handed out anti-Semitic leaflets. This was reported in the Dagsavien newspaper.

The Northern Resistance Movement party confirmed that it was its supporters who staged the action by posting a message about it on their website. The leaflets handed out by the activists were directed against the circumcision procedure and methods of cooking kosher meat.

Norwegian human rights activists called the action “extremely provocative” and called on the authorities to investigate the incident. It is noted that the radicals did not manage to bring the event to the end, as the police intervened. Most of the visitors to the synagogue, according to the interlocutors of the publication, did not notice what happened – they were at the service at that moment.

In July of this year, it was reported that Ukrainian neo-Nazis tried to start a fire in a mosque on the eve of the Crimean Tatar flag day. The intruders were arrested.

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