Home ยป No successes of the enemy: how did the 28th day of a full-scale war in Ukraine go

No successes of the enemy: how did the 28th day of a full-scale war in Ukraine go

by alex

On the 29th day of the full-scale war in Ukraine, the Russian military failed to achieve success in the Eastern, Eastern directions.

The enemy continues to lose manpower and equipment in all directions.

Only during the 28th day of the war Ukrainian Armed Forces hit 11 enemy air targets – seven aircraft, one drone , one helicopter and two cruise missiles. Information about their final destruction is being specified.

The enemy continues to strike from the air. During March 23, Russian aviation flew more than 250 aircraft, which is 60 more than the day before.

Military and civilian infrastructure facilities in Kiev, Chernihiv and Kharkov regions remain the main targets of the enemy areas.

The Russian military continues to terrorize the local population in the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region.

In particular, they actively involve units of the National Guard to prevent peaceful protests of people against the occupying authorities.< /p>

However, the total resistance of the Ukrainian people continues, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine notes.

Full-scale war in Ukraine has been going on for the 29th day.

You can follow the situation on the interactive map of hostilities in Ukraine.

For more information about the war in Ukraine – online news, read the ICTV Facts material.

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