Home » No money, no girl: organizer of fake dates was detained in Kiev to deceive men

No money, no girl: organizer of fake dates was detained in Kiev to deceive men

by alex

An organizer and members of a criminal group accused of organizing fake dates in order to seize money were detained in Kiev deceived men.

According to the Kiev City Prosecutor's Office, a Russian citizen born in 1999 became the main organizer of the scheme. He attracted about 10 people to illegal actions and organized a cafe in the capital's Pechersk, which attracted potential victims.

– On a popular fast dating site, administrators of a call center organized by a Russian, disguised as girls, met men and made appointments with them. At the same time, the participants in the scheme presented themselves as law students, daughters of wealthy businessmen and successful business women, the report says.

The prosecutor's office reported that the girls came to meetings with men in a rented elite car with the driver.

After that, potential victims were offered to go to a cafe and order food to go.

– Standard meals and drinks in the specified institution cost ten more than anywhere else, and in fact were bought by the participants in the scheme in the nearest supermarket. The cost of such a dinner could be from 4 to 17 thousand hryvnia, – the department stressed.

As specified, after the men paid the bill, the girl left, as she was allegedly urgently called home .

For & # 8220; successful & # 8221; dating participants in fake dates were paid a percentage. Dozens of men became victims of these fraudulent schemes every day, and the scammers' earnings, according to preliminary data, reached 60,000 hryvnia daily.

– Currently, law enforcement officers have detained three participants in the scheme, including its organizer. The issue of informing the detainees about suspicion and the choice of measures is being resolved. Investigative actions continue, the message says.

The names and surnames of the accused have not been announced, there are no comments on this case.

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