Home ยป Nine scientifically proven benefits of sex named

Nine scientifically proven benefits of sex named

by alex

Sexologist at the Silesian Medical University, Beata Wrubel, named nine of the most significant and scientifically proven benefits of having sex. Writes about this Newsweek.

First of all, regular sex has a positive effect on the physical and mental state of a person and allows you to cope with stress. The lowest level of the hormone cortisol affecting its development was found in people who more often have close physical contact with their partners, according to the results of a study by scientists from the University of Zurich.

Beata Vrubel noted that sex affects the building of relationships, since during sexual attraction, the senses are tuned to interact with a partner. She referred to such manifestations as a smile, massage, stroking, caressing and erotic conversations. In addition, sex increases the level of key antibodies in the body, making a person less susceptible to infections. Also, sexual intimacy helps to strengthen the immune system, has a positive effect on the heart, burns calories, improves sleep quality, brain function and relieves pain.

In addition, during intimacy, various muscles of the body, including the pelvic muscles, are involved, which will help avoid constipation and urinary incontinence in the future.

Previously, sexologist and relationship expert Kate Taylor revealed the undeniable benefits of regular sex. The specialist claims that having sex has a beneficial effect on a person's health and mental state, and reduces the risk of depression.

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