Home » News.Google blocked in Russia to prevent people from reading the truth about the war in Ukraine

News.Google blocked in Russia to prevent people from reading the truth about the war in Ukraine

by alex

Roskomnadzor reminded of the criminal punishment for spreading the truth about Russian aggression.< /strong>

Roskomnadzor has restricted access to the Internet service News.Google (Google News) in Russia.

This is stated in a statement from the department on March 23.

“Based on the request of the Russian Prosecutor General's Office, Roskomnadzor restricted access to the News.Google Internet service in the country,” Roskomnadzor said.

They explained that this “American Internet news resource provided access to numerous publications and materials” containing “inaccurate socially significant information about the course of a special military operation on the territory of Ukraine”.

Roskomnadzor also recalled that “Russian law provides for criminal liability” for such “public dissemination of deliberately false information about the use of the RF Armed Forces.”

Recall that in Russia students of higher education institutions began to be expelled for publications in social networks against the war in Ukraine.

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