Home » New York has fun: iconic Coney Island park reopens

New York has fun: iconic Coney Island park reopens

by alex

New York has fun: iconic Coney Island park reopens

Fun and laughter returned to New York. After 18 months of quarantine, the most popular park in the state, Coney Island, has started working again, MIR 24 reports.

Even Mayor Bill de Blasio attended the opening. According to him, when you come to New York, you cannot fully feel and fall in love with the city if you do not visit this park. However, no one forgot about safety. Now several times fewer people are allowed in there than before. In addition, everyone is required to wear masks.

“We are now operating at only 33% capacity. In addition, we have a free booking system. That is, anyone can reserve a ticket to get to the park. We really hope that crowds of people will come to us again soon, ”said Ken Hohman, director of marketing for the amusement park.

New York has fun: iconic Coney Island park reopens

New York has fun: iconic Coney Island park reopens

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    New York has fun: iconic Coney Island park reopens

    New York has fun: iconic Coney Island park reopens


    And one more safety measure – the rides are disinfected after each ride, and doctors are on duty in the park.

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