Home ยป New images of Mars published

New images of Mars published

by alex

China's Tianwen 1 probe has taken new pictures of Mars. The photos were posted on Twitter by the state-run television station CGTN.

In a posting on the CGTN website, the space station snapped three high-resolution photos of Mars: two panchromatic and one color. The images were captured by a high-resolution camera at a distance of 330 to 350 kilometers to the object.

Journalists noticed that small craters, ridges, dunes and other relief of the Red Planet can be seen in the images captured by “Tianwen-1”. The diameter of the largest crater that hit the camera lens is estimated at about 620 meters. In the color image, you can see the north polar circle of Mars.

In late February, the Perseverance rover sent the first color images of Mars back to Earth. Also, the rover made the first “selfie”.

The first Chinese probe to explore Mars, Tianwen 1, was launched at the end of July. The total weight of Tianwen-1 is about five tons, of which 3.7 tons fall on the orbital station.

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