Home » New German Chancellor Olaf Scholz took the oath

New German Chancellor Olaf Scholz took the oath

by alex

Olaf Scholz

The leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) Olaf Scholz took over as Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and took the oath. Deutscher Bundestag reports.

“I vow to devote my energies to the good of the German people, to increase its wealth, to protect it from damage, to observe and protect the Basic Law and the laws of the Federation, to fulfill my duties in good faith and to observe justice towards everyone,” Scholz said.

The oath was taken by the President of the Bundestag Berbel Bas. According to the prescription of the Constitution, the oath ends with the words “May God help me”, but the new chancellor decided to omit the final part, as he characterizes himself as a non-religious person.

The election of the head of the SPD Olaf Scholz as German chancellor became known on the afternoon of December 8. He received 395 of the 736 votes in the lower house of parliament in the Bundestag elections.

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