< IMG SRC = "https://img.tsn.ua/cached/796/sn-7D69491ed57b2E0922B41D97A86/THUMBS/1036X648/1F/0110A9260CD57F65C151 0cd58e403111F.JPEG " />< p >< Strong > Trump spoke about those who died in the war. ~ 60 >~ 60 > Donald Trump announced his estimates about the losses of both sides in the war. According to him, Russia lost about 800-900 thousand military, including the dead and wounded, and Ukraine-700 thousand.
< p > he said about this on the air fox news.
< p > “so annoying that it happened, if I were president, this would not have happened. It hurts to see what happens. So many dead, by the way, many cities are destroyed,” Trump noted. < p > < p > he also stated that the President of the United States wants to “protect the underground resources of Ukraine”. 62> Trump said that Washington needs to get something money spent on Ukraine.
< p > “no one will use the United States anymore,” the US president emphasized.< p > Recall, Donald Trump said that he does not exclude the possibility of his meeting with Vladimir Putin.
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