Home » New Corona plan: shopping limit of 15 minutes

New Corona plan: shopping limit of 15 minutes

by alex

In the middle of the third lockdown, there is now an exciting push for the gentle opening of trade: strict personal upper limits and purchasing limits.

There is still a silver lining on the horizon, nothing more, but on Monday the number of corona infections fell for the first time in many weeks to 1,000 new positive results. At the same time, the third lockdown was extended seamlessly – and this in a tightened form. There is a far-reaching obligation to wear FFP2 masks (trade, public transport), schools remain closed and the strict curfews are in place.

Retail, which has been “shut down” since December 26th, is groaning under all these restrictions. A billion sales are currently lost every week, according to Rainer Will. On the new app “Clubhouse”, the chairman of the trade association presented a new approach on Sunday evening to get out of the permanent lockdown. The time factor is particularly important here.

“Trade is not a corona hotspot. We must therefore contain collateral damage quickly,” said Rainer Will on “Today” . The fact is that “science currently assumes that an infection can be avoided by keeping a distance of two meters and making contact for less than 15 minutes.”

Will can therefore imagine a time limit for shopping for the time of the pandemic: “If you stipulate that you are not allowed to stay in a shop for more than 15 minutes, we will find a way to implement that.” The head of the trade association admits: “Of course it hurts, but we see it as a possible way out of the crisis. We can perhaps take a bold step in Austria with it – a middle way.”

A time limit is also easier to manage than showing a negative test result: “In many cases, the first customer contact in retail does not take place until the cashier. After 13 or 14 minutes, the salesperson can politely point out: 'Hello, you're already here a time in business – please go slowly to the cash desk. “

The trade would also be ready to “offer customers and employees – wherever possible – FFP2 masks . We will also grudgingly implement a contingent of people (15 to 20 square meters of retail space per buyer).” Grinding your teeth? “Take, for example, a small boutique that is no larger than 40 square meters, of course there isn't much left,” says Will.

He demands planning security for the trade. “With that”, he clarifies in the next sentence, “we don't necessarily expect a date, you could also announce an incidence number from which the opening can be reopened.”

Although he is not aware of any cluster that can be traced back to the trade, it has been confronted with massive restrictions for months. 22,400 stores in Austria are currently closed. “10,000 of them are no longer liquid. That means they are no longer able to service incoming invoices,” explains Rainer Will. “100,000 jobs depend on it – we just want to get the employees through,” said the industry representative in an interview with “Heute” .

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