Home ยป NATO surprised with explanation of why “Shaheds” fly to them

NATO surprised with explanation of why “Shaheds” fly to them

by alex

The Alliance still has not officially decided to shoot down Russian drones and missiles.

Despite the fact that Russian “Shaheds” and missiles fly into the territory of NATO member countries Ukraine, but the Alliance has not made any decisions on this matter. However, the cause of the problem was surprising.

This is stated in the material of analysts of Defense Express.

At the official level, NATO has still not made a decision on the downing of Russian drones and missiles over the territory of the Alliance by its own air defense systems and aircraft. Probably due to fears of the same “escalation”. Even the head of the Latvian Defense Ministry, after the fall of the “Shahed” on the territory of their country, stated that this incident cannot be considered an “open military escalation”. Like, the territory of their country was not the target for this drone.

Meanwhile, the commander of the US Air Forces in Europe and the NATO Joint Forces Command, General James Hecker, predicts an increase in such incidents due to the incompetence of Russian UAV operators. He noted that the Russian Federation plans to increase the number of its troops by 180 thousand people, involving in combat operations, including the launch of drones, “hastily trained” and unwilling fighters.

“If you grab people on the streets who have not been prepared and trained for military operations, the risk of miscalculation, mistakes increases. I think we have seen this with many incursions, when “Shaheds” fly into the territory of NATO member countries, which we have seen in Romania and Poland, and Latvia,” the general emphasized.

Defence Express analysts note: it looks rather strange when NATO does not consider these episodes as a deliberate provocation or cold calculation. Moreover, Russia is already openly using its reconnaissance UAVs to spy deep into the Alliance's territory.

“It can be assumed that with such statements NATO is once again making it clear that it is unlikely that Poland or Romania will receive the “green light” to shoot down Shaheds or Russian missiles over their territory in the near future,” the publication notes.

Recall that the head of the Center for Countering Disinformation Andrei Kovalenko believes that The Kremlin may be ready to strike the Baltic countries.Moscow is fully restructuring its economy for war.

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