Home » NATO is not going to wait for Russia to renew its army – US ambassador on building up the Alliance's strength

NATO is not going to wait for Russia to renew its army – US ambassador on building up the Alliance's strength

by alex

NATO is building up the forces of its members and allies/Collage 24 Channel

NATO stressed that they do not plan to wait until Russia after defeat in Ukraine it will renew its armed forces. The North Atlantic Alliance will provide its members and allies with everything necessary for defense.

Madam US Ambassador to NATO Juliana Smith emphasized this in an interview. She added that the Alliance must be prepared for the fact that Russia, after the end of the war in Ukraine, will be capable of new aggression.

NATO will not wait for Russia to strengthen

She noted that NATO must be prepared for the fact that the Kremlin will eventually be able to commit new aggression. Even if after the end of the war it will take years to restore the Russian army.

It is important that NATO will not wait. “NATO is very focused on your (Latvia and other Baltic states – Channel 24) security needs right now,” Smith said.

She added that there is already good news in areas of the defense industry. Thus, the United States managed to significantly increase the production of weapons and ammunition. For example, 155 mm caliber shells – the NATO standard – are produced twice as much. Smith also noted that European countries have also managed to increase production.

According to her, in many European countries, defense industry enterprises have switched to round-the-clock operation. They are also using “very creative and innovative approaches” to “replenish the dwindling supplies of NATO armies and provide Ukraine with everything it needs.”

NATO border will shift to the east

  • NATO once again made it clear that Ukraine’s accession to the Alliance is inevitable. Moreover, they note that it will expand significantly in the coming years. This was stated by the Romanian politician, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoane during the presentation of his own book “The Battle for the Future of Romania. Opinions of a Romanian at the Top of NATO.”
  • Joane noted that Romania will soon will cease to be NATO's eastern border. This is because a number of the country’s eastern neighbors will first become members of the EU and then the Alliance. He noted that they were talking about Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, as well as the Western Balkans.
  • According to Joane , it is time for Romania to finally leave the periphery of Europe. It's time for the state to put itself at the center in terms of importance.

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