Home » NATO fighter jets flew over Russian aircraft five times in a week

NATO fighter jets flew over Russian aircraft five times in a week

by alex

Last week, NATO air police fighters patrolled 8 times along the Baltic air border with the Russian Federation and Belarus. On five occasions, they escorted Russian military aircraft in international airspace over the Baltic Sea.

From 13 to 19 June, a Russian aircraft of air surveillance and aerial photography An-30. It made three flights from the Kaliningrad region to the mainland of the Russian Federation and back.

In addition, as reported by the Ministry of Defense of Lithuania, the Alliance fighters escorted the Il-20 electronic intelligence of the Russian Federation.

This aircraft On June 16, he flew from the mainland of Russia to the Kaliningrad region, and on June 18 – in the opposite direction.

It is noted that on June 16, the Il-20 flew with the transponder turned off without a flight plan, but kept in touch with the regional control center flights.

By the way, the NATO Baltic Air Patrol mission is carried out from bases in Lithuania and Estonia.

Recall that the Kremlin threatens Lithuania and its citizens because for the transport blockade of sanctioned goods in the Kaliningrad region.

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