Home ยป National Democratic Institute has warned of the dangers of 5G

National Democratic Institute has warned of the dangers of 5G

by alex

The American National Democratic Institute analyzed the spread of 5G technology and talked about what it can lead to in terms of democratic processes and human rights.

Experts believe that fifth-generation networks can empower countries with an authoritarian regime. Experts explained that even 4G technology has opened a new stage in the infringement of civil rights and freedoms. After the introduction of fourth-generation networks, disinformation, surveillance and censorship began to spread more actively. 5G technology could amplify this trend.

The National Democratic Institute even cited Russia as an example, claiming that the country is conducting surveillance in other states and at the same time “intimidating civil society and Internet service providers.”

Recall that in Russia 5G is developing slowly compared to other countries. This is due to the fact that the most popular range for fifth generation networks is occupied by the Russian military.

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