Home » Named a product to lower blood sugar levels

Named a product to lower blood sugar levels

by alex

Daily Express: Brussels sprouts lower risk of diabetes and blood sugar

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Physician Sarah Brewer recalled that type 2 diabetes can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle. She told which vegetable reduces the risk of developing this disease, writes the Daily Express.

The doctor named Brussels sprouts a food that helps lower blood sugar. In addition, it lowers the risk of developing diabetes. Braer explained that eating cabbage slows down the rise in blood glucose after a meal.

Brussels sprouts are rich in fiber, which slowly passes through the body and slows down the absorption of sugar into the blood. In addition, the product contains vitamins such as K, C and E, important for the human body. Cabbage is also rich in antioxidants, folic acid and minerals, including potassium, calcium and manganese.

The antioxidant alpha lipoic acid in the vegetable increases insulin sensitivity, making it more effective. The doctor advised eating Brussels sprouts raw or steaming them. It is important not to overcook or overcook the vegetable, because in this case it will lose some of the nutrients.

“For example, vitamin C will break down and the minerals will remain in the cooking water,” Brewer said.

The specialist recalled that five servings of vegetables and fruits should be consumed a day. This rule is essential for a varied and healthy diet.

Earlier, the presenter of Channel One, German Gandelman, called foods dangerous for diabetics. The cardiologist-resuscitator included alcoholic beverages, grapefruit juice and sweets among them.

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