Home » Mysterious money giver puzzled street residents

Mysterious money giver puzzled street residents

by alex

Mysterious envelopes with money began to appear in the mailboxes of residents of one street

Photo: Unsplash

Residents of one of the streets of the Japanese city of Osaka were puzzled when they began to discover envelopes left by a mysterious donor in mailboxes, in which they found various sums of money. It is reported by Sora News 24.

For the first time, a brown envelope without marks was found by one of the residents several months ago. Soon after, other street residents began to receive such envelopes. The finds continued over the next two months.

Money appeared in the mailboxes of residents on both sides of the narrow street. The envelopes contained various amounts of money, from several hundred yen (100 yen – 64 rubles) to over ten thousand yen (6.4 thousand rubles). One resident received an envelope containing 13 thousand yen (8.3 thousand rubles).

The total amount of money distributed in this way exceeds 200 thousand yen (128.7 thousand rubles), and this is only what the residents confirmed, who reported the money received to the police. According to law enforcement agencies, residents can legally use the money received and not report it. However, some said that, although they were grateful for such a gift, they felt uncomfortable, so they decided to contact the police.

Neither the residents nor the police know where the money came from and why they suddenly appeared in mailboxes on this particular street.

Social media users tried to unravel this story on their own and put forward various assumptions. “Maybe it's Santa?” – wrote one of them. “I hope this money is not obtained by criminal means,” said another. “Are the Yakuza laundering money? And if you spend it, will you be blackmailed? ” – suggested the third. “I bet it was done by an annoying video blogger in order to record another video,” said the fourth.

One of the users noted that none of the houses, apparently, have CCTV cameras. He suggested that whoever wished to distribute money in this way chose it for this very reason.

Earlier it was reported that detectives in the English County of Durham revealed the secret donors of money from the English village of Blackhall Collieri. Two people confirmed that it was they who left the money to help the villagers, but they wished to remain anonymous.

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