Home » Mount Etna erupted in Sicily: photos, videos and consequences

Mount Etna erupted in Sicily: photos, videos and consequences

by alex

Volcanic eruption in Sicily / Collage 24 Channel

Mount Etna began to erupt on the Italian island of Sicily. This time the southeastern crater is active.

The National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology of Italy stated that the height of the eruptive column from the southeastern crater reached approximately 4.5 thousand meters above sea level.

What's happening on the island of Sicily

A fountain of lava flows from the southeastern crater of Etna, local journalists said.

According to them, ash from the volcanic eruption falls in the municipality of Milo and Zafferana Etnea. According to the predicted model, volcanic ash will disperse to the southeast of the island.

Eruption of Mount Etna: watch the video

What's happening on Etna

Experts from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology at the Etna Observatory in Catania are monitoring Europe's tall active volcano by analyzing images from surveillance cameras.

According to experts, the paroxysmal phase of the volcanic eruption is now underway – that is, the eruption is slowly intensifying.

As of November 12, Etna's eruption is limited to the summit and does not affect operations at Vincenzo Bellini International Airport in Catania.

Mount Etna began to erupt in Sicily: watch the video

Subsequently, experts said that the emission of lava is accompanied by an increase in the level of “trembling” of the volcano. This indicates the rise of hot magma in the internal channels. Moreover, explosions were recorded due to strong gas emissions.

Eruption of Etna / Photos from telegram channels

Briefly about Mount Etna

  • Mount Etna is the most active volcano in Europe. The volcano is located on the east coast of the island of Sicily, near the cities of Messina and Catania.
  • Its height is approximately 3326 – 3350 meters. However, it is difficult to pinpoint it precisely, because the height is constantly changing due to eruptions and emissions of slag. There are approximately 200 – 400 volcanic craters on Etna, and on average, once every 3 months, one of the craters ejects lava flows.
  • Etna last erupted in August 2023. Then restrictions on the movement of cars were introduced on the city streets and the airport stopped operating.

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